Time to brag....avert your eyes if you think you can't handle it. Our kids came home with a bundle of plaques (no money, but lots of useless wood to hang on the wall) from the end of the year awards ceremonies (we sat thru 4 of these to get all this useless wood). Annie was one of the top 2 math students from the Junior High (she also got a PE award, but come on....really...PE?) . Wilson got the top Math spot for his freshman class (and MVP of the freshman baseball team), and Sam was the top math student for the High School (no baseball awards - he had a pretty sucky season).
So, unless our schools are following the national trend towards mediocrity...and there is always that possibility...we have a few pretty smart kids in our house. The funniest part was watching Sam and Wilson accept their awards (the one pic of Sam smiling is him getting his CSF life member cord - and he just loves those two teachers)...my daughter is up there practically ready to break into dance, smiling, posing....basically just being a girl...and the boys act like they're being led off to prison. Sam actually groaned at one point during the sports awards (he did get a memorial award for athletic participation). I guess I'd rather have them like this, I know several of their peers who have spent 4 years of high school working towards the end of the year awards....my kids sort of just fall into them.
given to a senior boy and girl each year, and Sam had the misfortune to be graduating with one of the best athletes Exeter has seen in a long time.... and smart....oh well.
Hi all, I'm putting a comment here because I am having technical difficulties with my blog....if on your screen there is a sentance that just cuts off in the middle and/or under the pics at the bottom (the one of the 2 girls holding their awards) there is NO sentance at all....please let me know. On my computer everything looks fine, but on my friends (hi Nancy) and my sons laptop, things get cut off. Also, let me know if any of the photos overlap...they shouldn't. THANKS!
It looks good to me here at Mom's. Seems like everything is there that needs to be.
By the way, is it really a "misfortune" to be graduating with someone who is smart and talented? : ) <---note the smiley face....
I'm not seeing any sentences cut off, but I only get half of Kaylas face. No overlapping photos though
Oh, I'm not getting any sentence under the two girls except the paragraph that starts with "And I'm going to say..."
thanks guys...I don't know what's going on, it seems to be a haphazard phenomena....works fine on some computers and screws up on others. I wrote to blogspot to see if they can help me some....we'll see what happens.
.... "By the way, is it really a "misfortune" to be graduating with someone who is smart and talented? : )" Yes, we want ALL the awards!!!
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