Monday, March 28, 2011

Garden Soup

Tho not entirely from the garden, we're getting closer.

Decided to just see what I could harvest yesterday and came home with enough good stuff to make kale and sausage soup.

The peas are just starting to plump up and they are delicious.

We'll be picking carrots pretty much as we need them for the next several months and maybe thru the summer depending on how the second crop (just planted) does.

The kale...that has escaped our wonderful (as is the spinach).

Tho the onions are still young, they are at least bulbing this year (finally planted the right kind for our zone) and we are using the thinnings.

Garlic left from last Springs crop.

Sauted the sausage with the onions and garlic, added homemade chicken stock and veggies plus some store bought potatoes (ours aren't quite big enough yet, but in a few weeks....)

Simmered for about an hour and enjoyed with some freshly baked bread....yum!


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a sausage tree!

Maureen said...

...shhhhhh, it's our secret.

I swear if we ever do get a pig, our daughter WILL disown us!

Steve said...

The soup tastes and tasted great. Sometimes I wish we lived in a cooler climate so I would get to eat Maureen's soups more often.

Steve the SOH