Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I want LESS choices

How has picking out a flippin' white paint for our boys room turned into the most agonizing decision of the year? I SO love my husband for his patience and (feigned?) interest in my quest for the perfect color. Yeah, I know white is technically not a color (it's all the colors... tho I never truly understood that concept). Colors, real colors....those are easy. Sam's room is going to be deep turquoise blue, chocolate brown and celery green. I love each and every one of these colors and it only took a couple of test quarts to get the right shades. But of last count I have 4 gallons in various shades of soft white (not off-white or antique white or navajo white...geez) sitting on our back porch (too little colorant to make a quart...ugh). 4 gallons of white paint.... waiting to see who will be chosen as belle of the ball..... and who will be used as primer.

Aren't there more important, substantial, pressing, things a person should be worried about? Isn't paint color a bit, oh...ridiculous to feel depressed about....ok, not exactly depressed but definitely upset. People are starving in India for heavens sake! Oh wait, that's a reason to eat your peas.
Something bad is picking out paint colors -get over it! (and give your sweet husband a break:)


Steve said...

I thought I was the Belle of the Ball?


Nancy Winningham said...

Why should this surprize you? I have never known you to take the first paint color you try - even if it is a "real" color. LOL!

Maureen said...

Update...this just in...we have a winner! It's called Powdered Snow, has a bit of yellow in it, but I think it's the best of the bunch.

I will, however, continue to obsess about it...thank-you very much :)