Trying to get as much produce as possible out of the garden and into jars or the freezer before we leave for Georgia.

Roasted the last of our Anaheim peppers, these are a mild chili pepper that I use in enchiladas. After a few minutes under the broiler to blacken the skin, they were placed in paper bag to sweat a bit ...
Then into 1/2 pint jars and the pressure canner for 30 minutes...

Meg you're the new Martha LOl :P I guess you will be saving HUGE on the grocery bill eh?
You'd think....maybe we'll see more savings in the winter as we start using up the pantry goodies. If it was just Steve and I we would be eating out the garden pretty much every day, but our kids still want frozen pizzas and chips-ahoy....sigh.
I would like to try canning roasted peppers...what is the liquid in these? Do you salt them or anything? Those look so good! Kim
Hey Kim!
I don't salt them, mostly because the original recipe didn't call for it... and the liquid is just water.
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