Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back to Work

Our first 2 days home we've been very busy playing catch-up.

I picked 11lbs. of green beans and pressure canned them...

...ended up with 14 pints and 4 quarts!

There were also 17lbs. of tomatoes waiting for us... I made salsa,

...put some in the dehydrator, and froze the rest for future sauces.

Cooked a few of the smaller butternut squash (they were getting soft)...


...and into the freezer for soups and pies this winter.

Lastly, we visited with our girls who were quite productive while we were in Georgia. We (and our house-sitter) collected 2 dozen eggs for the 'almost week' we were gone. So we gave some away (hi Mom!) and with the rest, I made quiche (which I failed to photograph:)


Jeano said...

It makes me hungry just reading (and looking at) your blog! Could we buy some of your Salsa?? It's SO good!!
(I'm really shamelessly begging!)

Maureen said...

No, but you will have to wait till the next batch....I already gave this one away!

Seriously, I will be making more this weekend, I'll send Steve over with a jar. Do you want tomatoes also?

Jeano said...

Yum! Thanks, Maureen! I love the pictures of Sam, by the way, on your other blogs!!