Friday, September 26, 2008

A Pox on All their Houses

"I dont know why you were told that, but it's not true".

That sentence, that one sentence (or variations of same) has been uttered in virtually EVERY single conversation I have ever had with Verizon.

I don't know why that wasn't explained correctly to you...

I don't understand why the other gal didn't tell you that......

I don't know why my fellow employees are complete idiots (ok, that one's mine, but it does have a nice ring to it :)

...I'd like to send them all to an island somewhere wrapped in heavy chains.....


Steve said...

Preach it, Sister!


Tesa said...

Oh Meg its not just your phone company sweety its ALL OF THEM! We get the same crap here Im sick of them :)

A college professor couldn't figure out their billing statements!

Julie said...

Are you STILL going round and round with them? A pox on all their houses, indeed!